Dr. Peter Lejkowski

Sports Injury Specialist

Providing healthcare services that nurture your ability to stay active in life and your sport.

Dr. Peter Lejkowski

Sports Injury Specialist

Providing healthcare services that nurture your ability to stay active in life and your sport.

Keeping you moving in sport and in life

Life is an athletic event where time-outs are not always possible. There often comes a time when we need help.

To the athletes, weekend warriors, performance artists and active parents, if you are limited by pain or looking to improve your function, I am here to help.

What You Should Know About Me

I am a Sports Specialist Chiropractor and keeping you moving is my obsession. In fact, it is what inspires me to do what I do. I am a practicing clinician, an educator, a published author, entrepreneur, consultant, anatomy nerd and an absolute movement junkie.

My passion for helping people live a healthy and active lifestyle flows through my professional experience and my ambition to educate the public about movement.

If a nagging injury is keeping you away from your sport or is limiting your ability to keep up with your kids and live a purposeful life, we should talk.


How I can Help

Sports Injury Management

Paediatric Care

Dance Injury Management

Exercise Medicine

Educational Workshops for Athletes

Professional Bike Fitting